Saturday, October 16, 2010

Dear diary

Dear diary,
I was feeling extremely sad on weekend recently..
Tears dropping down like a heavy rain
Never stop, Cant even see any rainbow appearing
Many things had tortured me..
I am weak..I cant stand it alone
Help me....
I want to get up...
I am tired...
And ready to give up..
But theres one song in my deepest heart...
asking me to stay..
to continue my fighting
yes, i will
but i dont know when its gonna last...
hope it lasts forever...
I hope...

1 beautiful judges:

aimazaki said...

hm..sedeynye baca..='(
fad kne kuat, xmo lemah3 ye cyg..
ema doakan yg terbaik tuk shbt ema ni..
jgn putus bdoa..selangkah kte hmpir dngNya, sejuta lgkah Dia mendekati kte..Allah amat suka pd hmba2 yg slalu mrintih kpdNya..
okies dear
snyum sket^_^

The togetherness

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