The busy day of Seniorita SN Fadhilah SabbarTunjang, 31st July - It was reported that today, the ELEGANT (hehe) Seniorita SN Fadhilah Sabbar a.k.a Dilla has been seen helping her friend, En. Hafiz (Math) to handle a Scout's camp in his school, SKHT. She was invited along with her other guy friends such as Hafiz (himself), Bani (his internship partner), Syahmi, Keri Asim, Firdaus Hidayat and Aslam. Not forgotten in that event is her girl friends which are Nazdira a.k.a housemate and Nisa. Hafiz and Bani said that "the Scout's camp is held on the purpose of finishing the final project for internship. We do it in the final weekend because we cannot find any facilitator who willingly to help us in the making the project into successful".
The project is awesome ! Everyone is enjoy working and tutoring the pupils. It was one hard day but happy at the same time because it was not only the pupils enjoy the event, but all the facilitators are satisfied yet happy with the facilitation. We really had a great time together and it flashed back our memories learning about Scout with dearest Pn.Kartini. hihi ^_^
Here i attached some of the pictures taken with my lovely handphone. Please enjoy.